Here is an abbreviated reference of the features of mpi4py. For a full documentation of the API, see
One of the main differences between this presentation of mpi4py and MPI in C or Fortan, besides being array-based, is that mpi4py is largely object oriented. The MPI Communicator in mpi4py is a Python class and MPI functions like Send or Broadcast are instance methods of the communicator class. The object-oriented nature of mpi4py is seen mostly in dealing with MPI topologies. I will not discuss these in detail, but rather focus on an introduction to the basics of distributed memory programming with MPI. Throughout the tutorial you will see functions like Send(...)
presented as Comm.Send(...)
where it is implied that Comm
is an instance of the Comm class. I will document Comm
as in input paramter to the function.
Instance Methods of Comm Class¶
For full documentation of the Comm class, see
“Uppercase” Communication¶
- Abort( errorcode=0)
Terminate MPI execution environment
- Allgather(sendbuf, recvbuf)
Gather to All, gather data from all processes and distribute it to all other processes in a group
- Allgatherv(sendbuf, recvbuf)
Gather to All Vector, gather data from all processes and distribute it to all other processes in a group providing different amount of data and displacements
- Allreduce(sendbuf, recvbuf, Op op=SUM)
All Reduce
- Alltoall(sendbuf, recvbuf)
All to All Scatter/Gather, send data from all to all processes in a group
- Alltoallv(sendbuf, recvbuf)
All to All Scatter/Gather Vector, send data from all to all processes in a group providing different amount of data and displacements
- Alltoallw(sendbuf, recvbuf)
Generalized All-to-All communication allowing different counts, displacements and datatypes for each partner
- Barrier()
Barrier synchronization
- Bcast(buf, root=0)
Broadcast a message from one process to all other processes in a group
- Bsend(buf, dest=0, tag=0)
Blocking send in buffered mode
- Bsend_init(buf, dest=0, tag=0)
Persistent request for a send in buffered mode
- Call_errhandler(errorcode)
Call the error handler installed on a communicator
- Clone()
Clone an existing communicator
- Compare(type cls, Comm comm1, Comm comm2)
Compare two communicators
- Disconnect()
Disconnect from a communicator
- Free()
Free a communicator
- Gather(sendbuf, recvbuf, root=0)
Gather together values from a group of processes
- Gatherv(sendbuf, recvbuf, root=0)
Gather Vector, gather data to one process from all other processes in a group providing different amount of data and displacements at the receiving sides
- Get_attr(keyval)
Retrieve attribute value by key
- Get_errhandler()
Get the error handler for a communicator
- Get_group()
Access the group associated with a communicator
- Get_name()
Get the print name for this communicator
- Get_parent(type cls)
Return the parent intercommunicator for this process
- Get_rank()
Return the rank of this process in a communicator
- Get_size()
Return the number of processes in a communicator
- Get_topology()
Determine the type of topology (if any) associated with a communicator
- Ibsend(buf, dest=0, tag=0)
Nonblocking send in buffered mode
- Iprobe(source=0, tag=0, Status status=None)
Nonblocking test for a message
- Irecv(buf, source=0, tag=0)
Nonblocking receive
- Irsend(buf, dest=0, tag=0)
Nonblocking send in ready mode
- Is_inter()
Test to see if a comm is an intercommunicator
- Is_intra()
Test to see if a comm is an intracommunicator
- Isend(buf, dest=0, tag=0)
Nonblocking send
- Issend(buf, dest=0, tag=0)
Nonblocking send in synchronous mode
- Join(type cls, fd)
Create a intercommunicator by joining two processes connected by a socket
- Probe(source=0, tag=0, Status status=None)
Blocking test for a message
- Recv(buf, source=0, tag=0, Status status=None)
Blocking receive
- Recv_init(buf, source=0, tag=0)
Create a persistent request for a receive
- Reduce(sendbuf, recvbuf, Op op=SUM, root=0)
- Reduce_scatter(sendbuf, recvbuf, recvcounts=None, Op op=SUM)
Reduce-Scatter (vector version)
- Reduce_scatter_block(sendbuf, recvbuf, Op op=SUM)
Reduce-Scatter Block (regular, non-vector version)
- Rsend(buf, dest=0, tag=0)
Blocking send in ready mode
- Rsend_init(buf, dest=0, tag=0)
Persistent request for a send in ready mode
- Scatter(sendbuf, recvbuf, root=0)
Scatter Vector, scatter data from one process to all other processes in a group
- Scatterv([choice sendbuf, tuple_int sendcounts, tuple_int displacements, MPI_Datatype sendtype], choice recvbuf, root=0)
Scatter data from one process to all other processes in a group providing different amount of data and displacements at the sending side
- Send(buf, dest=0, tag=0)
Blocking send
- Send_init(buf, dest=0, tag=0)
Create a persistent request for a standard send
- Sendrecv(sendbuf, dest=0, sendtag=0, recvbuf=None, source=0, recvtag=0, Status status=None)
Send and receive a message
- Sendrecv_replace(buf, dest=0, sendtag=0, source=0, recvtag=0, Status status=None)
Send and receive a message
- Set_errhandler(Errhandler errhandler)
Set the error handler for a communicator
- Set_name(name)
Set the print name for this communicator
- Ssend(buf, dest=0, tag=0)
Blocking send in synchronous mode
- Ssend_init(buf, dest=0, tag=0)
Persistent request for a send in synchronous mode
“Lowercase” Communication¶
- allgather(sendobj=None, recvobj=None)
Gather to All
- allreduce(sendobj=None, recvobj=None, op=SUM)
Reduce to All
- alltoall(sendobj=None, recvobj=None)
All to All Scatter/Gather
- barrier()
- bcast(obj=None, root=0)
- bsend(obj=None, dest=0, tag=0)
Send in buffered mode
- gather(sendobj=None, recvobj=None, root=0)
- ibsend(obj=None, dest=0, tag=0)
Nonblocking send in buffered mode
- isend(obj=None, dest=0, tag=0)
Nonblocking send
- issend(obj=None, dest=0, tag=0)
Nonblocking send in synchronous mode
- recv(obj=None, source=0, tag=0, Status status=None)
- reduce(sendobj=None, recvobj=None, op=SUM, root=0)
- scatter(sendobj=None, recvobj=None, root=0)
- send(obj=None, dest=0, tag=0)
- sendrecv(sendobj=None, dest=0, sendtag=0, recvobj=None, source=0, recvtag=0, Status status=None)
Send and Receive
- ssend(obj=None, dest=0, tag=0)
Send in synchronous mode
The Op Class (Reduction Operations)¶
Within the Op class are values that represent predefine operations to be used with the “reduce” functions. There are also methods that allow the creation of user-defined operations. I present here a table of the predefined operations. Full documentation is found here:
Name |
Meaning |
maximum |
minimum |
sum |
product |
logical and |
bit-wise and |
logical or |
bit-wise or |
logical xor |
bit-wise xor |
max value and location |
min value and location |